When Should Prostate Cancer be Treated?

One in nine men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, and it’s the second most common type of cancer in men. A cancer diagnosis can be intimidating, but today’s advancements in medical technology mean that it’s treatable. 

Your prostate is a small gland located in your pelvic area. It’s about the shape and size of a walnut, and it’s responsible for producing seminal fluid.

Prostate cancer develops when abnormal cell growth takes over the gland. Treatments range from active monitoring to surgery, and each treatment is tailored to meet each patient's individual needs.

At Advanced Urology in Los Angeles, Culver City and Redondo Beach, California, our team specializes in prostate health, including prostate cancer treatment. We’re here to help you understand your diagnosis and help you find the right treatment to keep you healthy and enjoying life.

Early diagnosis is important for effective treatment

Most prostate cancer screenings involve a digital rectal exam. Your doctor evaluates the size, texture, and shape of your prostate. Additional testing can include a blood test that checks blood for the presence of prostate-specific antigen.

If test results indicate cancer might be present, we may perform an ultrasound or biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Along with the diagnosis, we work to determine how aggressive and advanced the cancer is.

If you’re at low risk for cancer advancement, we might recommend active monitoring instead of immediately beginning cancer treatment. Active monitoring includes visits with your doctor every few months, where we check your prostate to ensure the cancer isn’t progressing.

When prostate cancer is diagnosed in early stages, treatment is particularly effective. In fact, the five-year survival rate is almost 100%. At Advanced Urology, we offer the best in prostate cancer treatment, including:

The right prostate cancer treatment for you — and when you should start treatment — depends on the stage of your cancer and your risk of developing complications. Talk to our team to learn more about your options.

Recognizing signs and risk factors of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer generally doesn’t have symptoms in its early stages. When the cancer is more advanced, symptoms may include:

The warning signs of prostate cancer can be similar to symptoms of other prostate diseases like prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). When you come to Advanced Urology for prostate disease, we expertly diagnose your condition to ensure you get the best treatment for your needs.

Certain factors may put you at increased risk for developing prostate cancer. Risk factors include:

Because prostate cancer is easier to treat when it’s caught early, be sure to get regular preventive screenings. Experts generally recommend that men over the age of 50 get regular prostate cancer screenings, but men at higher risk can benefit from earlier testing.

Talk to our team if you’re concerned about prostate cancer.  We’re here to help you navigate risk factors and diagnosis, working with you to determine what kind of treatment is right for you. Book your first appointment online today.

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