Most Men Miss These Signs of Prostate Problems

Most Men Miss These Signs of Prostate Problems

Your prostate is a small gland that’s part of the male reproductive system. It makes a fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate diseases are a common issue — especially as you get older.

Prostate diseases include three common conditions: prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer. About half of all men over age 50 have BPH, and 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in his lifetime.

Prostate diseases are very treatable, but unfortunately, they often go undiagnosed and untreated longer than they need to. The early warning signs of prostate problems are easy to miss, but our team at Advanced Urology can help.

We specialize in prostate care in Culver City, Los Angeles, Redondo Beach, and San Pedro, California. In this blog, we’ll teach you about the common signs of prostate problems that most men overlook and what to do to protect your health.

The early signs of prostate diseases

Prostate exams are the best way to check for prostate problems. We recommend that all men get routine prostate screenings starting around age 50, or earlier if you have certain risk factors for prostate cancer.

Along with those routine exams, take time to learn the warning signs of prostate diseases, so you can schedule a urologist appointment and get the care you need.

Early signs of prostate problems include:

Difficulty urinating

Your urethra runs through your prostate gland. Prostate diseases cause inflammation, which can squeeze your urethra and cause changes in your urination habits.

Inflammation can cause difficulty with urination, but many men attribute these changes to simply getting older. Pay attention if you notice difficulty starting urination, a weak urine stream, a urine stream that starts and stops, or dribbling once you’re done.

Frequent urination

Prostate problems can make you feel the urge to urinate more than usual, especially at night. Symptoms can include:

Like difficulty urinating, many men think frequent urination is just part of getting older. But it’s important to know that it’s not normal and could indicate a prostate problem.

Painful urination

Prostate problems can make urination painful. Don’t ignore pain, burning, or stinging sensations with urination. Sometimes, prostate cancer can cause pain with ejacuation or pain in your back, hips, or thighs.

What to do about prostate symptoms

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, don’t wait to schedule a urologist appointment. The earlier you get a diagnosis, the earlier you can start treatment. And in many cases, early treatment is most effective.

We provide comprehensive diagnostics and prostate care at Advanced Urology. We start with prostate disease screenings, which can include a digital exam, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, urinalysis, and medical imaging.

Once we reach a diagnosis, we discuss treatment options. The best treatment for you depends on your condition and how advanced it is, and our team is dedicated to providing compassionate, effective care no matter your diagnosis. 

Don’t ignore difficulty urinating and other warning signs of prostate problems. Get the answers and treatment you need at Advanced Urology. Call the office nearest you or send us a message online to get started today.

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