How Quickly Does a Vasectomy Take Effect?

How Quickly Does a Vasectomy Take Effect?

Vasectomy is a permanent form of male birth control. It’s a simple procedure that is done in the doctor’s office and is nearly 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Getting a vasectomy involves cutting the vas deferens — the tubes that transport sperm to your semen — to reduce your fertility. Although it’s a simple procedure and you’ll recover fully in about a week, vasectomy isn’t effective right away.

In fact, it’s important to continue using other forms of birth control until your doctor says it's OK to stop. At Advanced Urology, our team specializes in no-scalpel vasectomy. We work with men of all ages, and today, we’re answering your questions about what happens once your vasectomy is complete.

What to expect after vasectomy

Your vasectomy takes about 30 minutes in our office. Since we use only local anesthetic, you can go home the same day.

Our team gives you specific instructions for caring for your scrotum and any incisions you may have. We recommend resting for a few days after your vasectomy, but you should be able to reintroduce light activity within about three days.

Every man is different, but a few of the most important steps after vasectomy are:

Abstain from ejaculation for a few days

Most men should abstain from sex and ejaculation in the days after vasectomy. Ejaculating too soon after getting a vasectomy could open your incisions and increase your risk of infection and other complications.

Wait until you don’t have any scrotal pain or swelling around your incision site before engaging in sexual activity. This may mean waiting about one week after your vasectomy. 

When you start having sex again, remember to continue using other methods of birth control. You will need to ejaculate about 20 times after vasectomy before your semen stops containing sperm.

Get sperm count evaluations

You need to use birth control, such as condoms, because your semen will still have sperm for a period of time after your vasectomy. Sperm count evaluations at our office are the only way to determine when it’s safe to stop using other methods of birth control.

Expect to have a sperm count evaluation or semen analysis about six to 12 weeks after your vasectomy. At this appointment, our team analyzes your semen to determine if sperm is present.

If your semen is sperm-free, your vasectomy is considered effective. If sperm is still present, you may need to schedule another semen evaluation in a few weeks.

Wait for your doctor to give you the OK

Our team continues monitoring your semen until sperm is no longer present. At this time, we’ll tell you that your vasectomy is effective and you can safely stop using other methods of birth control.

For many men, it takes about 12 weeks for sperm to disappear from semen. You shouldn’t notice any changes in your sex drive, sensation, or sexual experience following vasectomy.

Are you considering a vasectomy as a permanent method of birth control? Talk to our team at Advanced Urology to learn more about this popular procedure. Call one of our offices — in Los Angeles, San Pedro, Redondo Beach, or Culver City, California — or request an appointment online now.

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