Female Urinary Incontinence: It's More Common Than You Think — But We Have Solutions

Even a little leak can make you feel like you’re losing control. But if you’re living with female urinary incontinence, you s

Even a little issue with your urinary tract can create a big problem for your quality of life. When you’re living with urinary incontinence — or unplanned urine leakage — it can turn your day upside down in an instant. A sneeze, a cough, or even a laugh can cause an unfortunate accident. For too many women, the fear of this embarrassment leads them to limit plans with friends or spend less time doing activities they loved before. 

It’s easy to feel like you’re the only one who has this problem, because so few people want to talk about it, but it’s far more common than you might think.

The good news? Because female urinary incontinence is so common, a number of treatments have been developed to address it. At Advanced Urology Medical Offices, our team has years of experience helping women just like you regain control. And we offer these incontinence treatments right at our offices in Los Angeles, Redondo Beach, and Culver City, California.

Female urinary incontinence is common

Unwanted urine leakage is embarrassing, so it’s no surprise you and your friends probably don’t openly discuss it over dinner. But if you think you’re the only woman living with this issue, think again.

The Cleveland Clinic says that 10% of American women live with urinary incontinence. And by the time you reach age 65, that number more than triples to 35%. If you’re in a room with three women over 65, odds are high that at least one of them has dealt with the challenges of urinary incontinence in their lives. 

Unfortunately, your gender increases your likelihood of living with urinary incontinence. While men do struggle with this issue, the Centers for Disease Control reports that it’s twice as common in women. And that’s no surprise, really. Women have a shorter urethra, and pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause all take a toll on your entire urinary tract. 

Don’t let embarrassment keep you from getting your urinary incontinence under control — and getting your life back. We can help.

Your treatment options for female urinary incontinence

The silver lining for women who struggle with incontinence is that its pervasiveness has encouraged the development of multiple treatment options. Today, your options for dealing with incontinence include noninvasive treatments like pelvic floor therapy, which is essentially physical therapy for the muscles that control your bladder,  and biofeedback to show you how your body is functioning, helping to identify an overactive bladder. 

If these treatments aren’t effective, we can also offer neuromodulation device implants to regain control over the nerves in the area, or a pubovaginal sling to help your urethra seal shut, preventing leakage. In other words, you have options. 

You’re not stuck living with leakage. To get started with the urinary incontinence treatment plan that’s right for you, call the office nearest you or use our online scheduling tool.

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